Your organization can take advantage of multiple payment methods, including a business line of credit (underwritten by Synchrony Bank) with Amazon Business. Let’s take a closer look at this option.
An Amazon Business Line of Credit is ideal for organizations looking to simplify their purchasing and reconciliation. With this feature, your organization can more easily reconcile spend with monthly statements with consolidated invoices, while taking advantage of 55-day payment terms with no interest or annual fees.
A business line of credit can also provide your organization with tools to better maintain control over your cash flow. Customize which groups have access to your line of credit, and divide your total line of credit into sublines for individual groups. Work with a dedicated account management team at Synchrony Bank to set up and manage your credit line to best fit the needs of your organization. Manage your account online through an eService platform managed by Synchrony Bank, where you can easily download a copy of your invoices and monthly statements.
Here’s an overview of the many features you can leverage for your organization.
We have other payment options as well. If you’re interested in learning more, look for info on paying by invoice.
Learn how paying with your business line of credit is just like paying with a credit card.
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