Assign user roles based on the needs of your organization. Learn about the various user roles and permissions available in your Amazon Business account.
There are two main roles: administrator and buyer. Each user can fulfill just one of the roles, or both. The administrator role includes management permissions in three categories: people, finance, and tech. If you want a user to be barred from managing people, but still have some administrative access, there are two additional roles: tech and finance.
A majority of users will be an administrator or a buyer. Roles can be assigned when an administrator invites a user to the business account.
Administrators can change a user’s role at any time. Roles and permissions can be assigned on a group-by-group basis. One administrator can manage multiple groups. Group-level administrators only have admin permissions over the group or subgroups that they are assigned. Administrators manage business settings and business features. They can manage members, including adding and removing users and editing user roles.
Administrators can also manage group-specific settings. Group settings host a variety of features, including Buying Policies and Approval Workflows, as well as shared settings around payment methods and shipping addresses. Administrators have visibility into all order history within their group or groups. In Your Orders, they can view order status, and in Business Analytics, they can view all order data, run reports, and create dashboards.
While the tech and finance roles can be managed by administrators, sometimes you need to bring in your organization’s expert. With a technical role, a user can set up system integrations with the programs used in your organization. With a finance role, a user can access invoices, credit notes, analytics, and order history.
Buyers (Requisitioners)
Buyers can place orders on behalf of the organization and utilize Business Analytics for their own purchases. If individual settings are configured, buyers can also add their payment methods and shipping methods at checkout.
Update your Amazon Business user roles